
Current Projects

Brenda Queeley Consultancy

Brenda Queeley Consultancy is a new landing page build and design for her company, this is phase 1 of this website project and a full website is soon to come. This landing page was built using WordPress and the Divi Theme builder and is hosted and

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Brenda Queeley Consultancy
Current Projects

Chemistry Rockstar

The Chemistry Rockstar website is a new build and design WordPress website. This website was a consolation design of many different products and services that Karen McFarlane Holman Ph.D. for science education and awareness. The site design was

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Chemistry Rockstar
Past Projects

R. Taylor Property Group

This client has decided to close down their website. May 24, 2021 R. Taylor Property Group is a new website build for a United Kingdom business. R. Taylor Property Group is selling real estate services and coaching and needed a website to sell and advertise their...

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R. Taylor Property Group
Past Projects

Susanne Henry, CPA Consulting

Susanne Henry, CPA Consulting is a new website build and design using the WordPress CMS and Divi theme builder. Susanne was looking for a clean and straight forward website for her clients and to promote her eBooks and Young Living products.

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Susanne Henry, CPA Consulting
Past Projects

Maternal Strides

Maternal Strides is a new design and build website built in the WordPress platform, this is currently phase 1 of the build. Phase 1 of the site was focused on their events which allowing their clients to purchase events. Phase 2 of the site will

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Maternal Strides Website
Past Projects

Suzi Stich

Suzi Stich is a new site design and build using elements from her existing site Project Resilience. Built using the WordPress CMS system and a customized Divi theme I was able to bring forth her vision of a clean yet visually impacting design. I help

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Suzi Stich Website
Current Projects

Women at the Table CT

Women at the Table CT is a landing page build for a Connecticut-based philanthropic organization dedicated to the empowerment of women throughout the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. eCOG Media will be hosting their landing page and maintaining their site...

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Women at the Table CT
Current Projects

Lavender Policy Center

The Lavender Policy Center was a new website build for a local advocacy group in Connecticut. They wanted a colorful yet impactful design to promote their group and help to advance the local LGBTQIA+ in the local government. This website was built using WordPress...

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Lavender Policy Center Website
Current Projects


Redesigned the CGTV website to have an open layout with a fixed background that would work on both desktop and mobile devices. Customized the Enfold template files to create this effect with some CSS and updated various template styles to allow the...

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Past Projects

Shakespeare Resourcing

Shakespeare Resourcing was a complete rebuild and redesign of their existing WordPress website. Using the Divi theme builder I was able to give Shakespeare Resourcing and updated and fresh look to their website. They transferred over to eCOG Media

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Shakespeare Resourcing